Services & Offerings

Ways We Support Our Members
and the Community

Our Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs & Values come alive in everything we offer, because…
we practice what we teach.

Come experience a depth of compassion, presence, authenticity, and shared humanity
that you might have only dreamed of, before now.

Full disclosure: Nobody’s perfect here … because we’re real humans.
And that’s the best part — what we practice and teach is all we need
to discover, heal, and thrive together … just as we are.

Start Here

Begin your exploration here, with 3 short videos that introduce you to the most powerful principles that underlie this game-changing, empowering, transformational work.

Exploration Session

Whether you’re dealing with relationship, health, or other life challenges … you don’t have to walk that journey alone.

Offered by donation *after* your session.

(Online and In-Person in Minneapolis, MN)

Thrive Essentials Workshop

This acclaimed workshop illuminates the hidden design behind why we do what we do, and offers breathtakingly powerful insights that will instantly transform your life and relationships.

Offered by donation.

(Available Live and Recorded/Self-Study)

Personal & Relationship Mentorship

Mentorship offers a safe, honoring, wise space
to rapidly connect with your inner wisdom, authenticity, and thriving-aligned power so you can effectively address the challenging circumstances, thoughts, behaviors, or relationships that you’re facing.

Offered by donation.

(Online and In-Person in Minneapolis, MN.)

Presence Practice Depth Work

In this sensitively coached space we build our capacity for presence, resonant empathy, authentic choice, and thriving in everyday life, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Offered by donation.

(Available Online.)

Advanced Course: Healthy Boundaries,
The Pathway to Thriving

This course provides deep education and practice in the core Emotional and Relational Literacy Skills that provide the foundation for a truly thriving life and relationships.

Offered by donation.

(Live Course, Online and In Person)

Compassionate Noticing Mindfulness Practice

This extraordinary mindfulness practice builds our capacity to remain present, available, and at authentic choice when we experience challenging body sensations, emotions, thoughts, impulses, and circumstances.

Offered by donation.

(Available Live and Recorded/Self-Study)

Accompaniment & Comfort Meditation

A tender meditation to ease your way through your most challenging moments.

Offered by donation.

(MP3 Download)

Quantum Heart Attuning Meditation

A luminous meditation to open your heart and activate your capacity for quantum holographic healing and creation.

Offered by donation.

(MP3 Download)

Human Design

Your Human Design reveals the patterns and energies
that make up your unique energetic blueprint.

Empower your thriving even more deeply,
when you discover and learn how to navigate and
live in effortless alignment with your true self.


Help us create a world
where everyone thrives!