Our Leadership Team
Devoted to Service
Jennifer Alyse Kryder
Board President

Jennifer Alyse is a seasoned portrait photographer, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, and Creativity Revivalist offering multi-disciplined Somatic Creativity tools for professionals wanting consistent access to their creator flow.
Her blend of artistry, and study in relational neuroscience, nervous-system regulation, movement therapy, and ancient practices is condensed into tangible tools designed to open channels into energy and inspiration – two crucial forces for riding the waves of adversity and creation.
For more than a decade, Jennifer Alyse has photographed celebrities, thought leaders, artists, speakers, and entrepreneurs (and often, random, beautiful strangers) from around the world. A percentage of proceeds from her Artist Portfolio go to support Women’s Rights Organizations.
She specializes in Kundalini Yoga and nervous system regulation through the fascia, has developed a comprehensive 300 hour yoga teacher training that has been accredited by the World Yoga Federation. She’s been a student of yogic philosophy and practices for over twenty years, and a facilitator of movement and creativity workshops since 2007.
Jennifer Alyse has taken full advantage of her business degree and entrepreneurship focus from Arizona State University. She has lived up and down the East and West Coasts, and has recently come full circle, returning to her home state of Arizona with her husband, Kevin and dog, Arlo.
Jennifer shares:
Growing up, I was never taught that I had any “life-needs,” let alone that my personal life-needs mattered, and I didn’t have the skills to set healthy boundaries.
The tools I have cultivated from doing this work under our Steward, Vika Miller’s guidance continue to bring me the ability to face any conversation and relationship with greater peace, awareness, and understanding, and to free me to fulfill my greatest potential, including my ability to contribute to a world where we evolve consciously as a species.
Through this work I have developed the tangible ability to remain anchored in a grounded, calm state while navigating misunderstandings with curiosity, ease, and grace. This has deeply impacted the well being of my marriage and relationships, both personally and professionally.
The ripple of these skills extend to all I interact with.
I strongly believe that when we have the skills to know our internal landscapes, and have tools to be in a shared space that honors others, we can truly cultivate peace on Earth.
Claude Cruz
Board Treasurer

Claude Cruz is a retired engineer who currently devotes his time and energy to a vibrant relationship and intimacy coaching practice. As a Board member of the Thriving World Community, he is excited by the opportunity to further the organization’s life-changing vision.
Claude served 35 years in the digital systems industry, with most of that time devoted to serving as a systems architect at firms such as IBM and Intel Corporation. That work gave him ample opportunities to hone his analytical, planning and managerial skills. His extensive work with high-level management gave him a thorough understanding of the many considerations that go into making sound business decisions.
After exiting the technical field in 2011, Claude turned to his life-long interest in promoting deep human connections. He undertook extensive training in life-coaching, focusing on supporting his clients’ relationship skills. He believes in the fundamental importance of intimate relationships and healthy sexuality in living balanced and satisfying human lives. To make those beliefs relevant to clients’ lives, Claude obtained first a Professional Sex Coaching certification, and then a PhD in Human Sexuality. He applies this extensive training to help his clients thrive, by integrating healthy sexuality and intimacy into their lives.
In addition to his analytical and business skills, and his commitment to furthering personal development and evolution, Claude brings non-profit operating experience to Thriving World Community. Claude served for 5 years in a local Chamber of Commerce, first as President of the Board, and then as Executive Director. This experience familiarized him with the many activities that are needed to ensure a healthy non-profit organization. He is now applying what he learned to promote the health and expansion of the Thriving World Community.
We live in a society that suffers from extensive alienation, loneliness, superficial connection, and an alluring but empty focus on materialism and extreme personal independence. As neuroscience and social psychology have shown, we humans are an interdependent species, who thrive through social connection. The foundational principles and everyday work of the Thriving World Community support that basic need.
Claude is committed to fostering community, in order to promote individual growth and evolution, as well as the prospering of society as a whole. Those goals require individual security, self-knowledge, mutual respect and trust. Thriving World Community’s tenets and work align with those requisites, as does the notion of “living softly” that Claude has promoted through his years-long effort to support intimate human relationships through his Two Open Doors practice and weekly Two Open Doors podcast.
Cultivating our shared humanity is essential, if we are to create a healthy, growth-supporting society. We can do that by understanding and practicing emotional intelligence, by accepting responsibility for our personal growth, and by being willing to be vulnerable. Claude is delighted that the Thriving World Community and his Two Open Doors work share those common goals. He looks forward to contributing his energy to help those efforts prosper.
Victoria Curtis
Board Secretary

Victoria Curtis is a visionary leader with two decades of experience in live-action commercial production. As the founder of Line by Line, she has worked alongside renowned production companies to guide teams in securing hundreds of high-profile, award-winning advertising campaigns globally.
She has particular expertise in building collaborative teams, fostering ethical leadership, and delivering exceptional results that honor both creative excellence and human values.
Thriving World Community’s transformative mission and education has been foundational in shaping Victoria’s personal and professional moral compass. Under Vika Miller’s guidance, Victoria embraced the language of reciprocity—the understanding of our shared rights to thrive within ourselves and in relation to others.
In addition to her extensive work in production, Victoria is the founder of Align Alliance, a collective dedicated to mutual support and the promotion of ethical practices in artificial intelligence applications across creative industries. She is committed to responsibly integrating AI tools to amplify human creativity, preserve individuality, and contribute positively to a future where technology enhances our shared humanity.
As a founding board member of Thriving World Community, Victoria brings her passion for ethical innovation, her dedication to intentional relationships, and her drive to support TWC’s mission of empowering individuals to reclaim their right to thrive. She is honored to contribute her skills and vision to an organization focused on building a more inclusive, compassionate, and sustainable world.
Vika Miller

Vika Miller’s Calling and deepest devotion has always been to help (re)create a world where we can all genuinely thrive — personally and collectively — in a sustainable, attuned dance of connection with the Community of Life on Earth, of which we humans are an eternal, irrevocable part.
Vika’s journey into this Stewardship began when she was 8 years old. Her 11 year old brother had “crossed the line” with a deeply cruel comment, and in her pain and outrage she called him a mean name. And then … a Voiceless Voice spoke to her, saying, “You don’t pass on to others, the hurt that’s done to you.”
The Voice also showed a Vision of her speaking before 20,000 people, sharing these and other fundamental truths and offering a way to fulfill on the wondrous possibilities of living in attuned, responsive connection with Source, Self, Others, and Nature. This has remained the purpose and Calling of her life, ever since.
Vika began her formal study at age 12, just after learning the scientific method in her 7th grade science class. She immediately recognized that, if she told herself the truth about everything, including anything that was “wrong” with her, she would be able to discover how life was meant to work, how she could be happy and whole with others humans, and how the Heaven on Earth promise of this human life on earth could actually be lived, not just dreamt about.
(Understanding that, as a 12-year-old, all she could see of the unworkability of the modern world was the hurt-passing relationships all around her, at home, at school, and in her neighborhood’s families.)
Although she read the bible at age 9, Vika couldn’t connect with the notion of a punishing God who would be jailed for abuse, if human. Vika has always been guided by a deep felt sense of what is and is not Aligned with Source, that provides extremely rigorous standards and feedback that dictate her personal integrity, and is the source of her spiritual insight and discernment.
Vika’s first spiritual teachers were M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Travelled; Further Along The Road Less Travelled) and Hugh Prather (Notes on Love and Courage).
There was no pre-set path for her to follow, as she sought how to learn what she needed in order to be able to fulfill her Calling.
She attended Carleton College, where she was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Education, followed by a Master of Arts Degree in Economic Development and Social Policy from the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
In her mid-20s she served as Vice President of Operations for a startup behavioral health consulting firm that grew into a nationwide organization under her direction. It was here that Vika honed her skills at managing staff (36) and complex projects (380 programs over 82 locations processing 10,000 pages of data per month). Many of her staff praised her management as “the best person I’ve ever worked for.” During this period she was also a partner in The Himmelman Consulting Group, a public/private/nonprofit collaborative facilitation consulting company helping to improve access to human services.
In 1997, for the first time in her life, Vika heard her deepest truths being spoken from the front of a room, at a Unity South Church service in Bloomington, MN led by Re. Ken Williamson. She completed more than two cycles of A Course In Miracles and began to learn how to embrace her humanity and vulnerability in a way that set the foundation for the full development of her extraordinary capacity for transparency and shared humanity.
In the late 1990s, lightning struck: Vika encountered Nonviolent/ Compassionate Communication (NVC). NVC contributed essential missing elements that Vika interpreted in a groundbreaking way, making a major contribution to NVC worldwide by recognizing that NVC’s “needs” are every living thing’s pathways to thriving; changing the order of NVC’s 4 steps (because who can make a genuine observation when they’re upset?); and recognizing that thriving is the goal of not only communication, but everything else any living thing ever does. Vika has integrated and practiced these thriving-focused and –adapted core NVC distinctions in every aspect of her life, ever since.
In 2011, Vika became a partner in Rose City NVC, and within 4 months grew that practice into the largest NVC training organization in the state of Oregon.
Vika has taught NVC to residents serving life sentences in Oregon’s State Penitentiary (a maximum security prison) and Columbia River Correctional Institution. She’s proud to be a former Executive Director of the Oregon Prison Project.
In 2013, she founded the Thriving Life Institute, LLC, through which she developed her thriving-based educational materials and offered coaching, mentorship, personal development , and relationship literacy skills to individuals, couples, families, organizations, and communities.
In 2013, through the work of Sarah Peyton and Susan Skye, Vika began studying the integration of NVC, Neuroscience, and Attachment. Discovering what’s behind the harmful behavior and momentary lack of choice that arises when our human brains are alarmed and reactive (fight, flight, appease, and freeze) provided the revolutionary paradigm to fully understand and heal not only past harm, but the pathway to full-spectrum human thriving. Vika owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to Susan and Sarah – they have made Heaven on Earth relationships and thriving possible, not only for Vika, but for all of her clients and students.
In 2022, Vika began to feel the pull to create a nonprofit faith-based organization, in order to make her teachings available to as many people as possible. Now she is honored, humbled, and excited by the outpouring of partnership and support from her student to fulfill her lifelong Calling — to create a modern world where everyone THRIVES, without dominating, objectifying, or exploiting people, animals, ecosystems, or the Earth.
When she’s not sharing her passion for midwifing thriving lives and amazing relationships, you can find Vika joyfully biking the Minneapolis chain of lakes; dancing Argentine tango; cooking delicious food that’s dramatically expanded her thriving lifespan; kayaking down Minnehaha Creek; and communing with whales and scuba diving as often as possible.